• Bepo

    You're one of a kind, an original. Don't even try to fit in. Be weird and strange, be free, be you. Bepo protects your unique magical self. Whisper your wish. Try it, it really works!
  • Duje

    Happiness means to be at peace with yourself and the world. It is a choice we make for ourselves. Duje fish wants you to be happy and knows you know how. Whisper your wish. Try it, it really works!
  • Femica

    Femica listens to your wishes for change. She knows you need to breathe. Too often we stay in our safe zone just because we are familiar with it, when something new and unusual could be so much better and just around the corner.
  • Grga

    Confidence depends on what you think of yourself and the world. To gain confidence you'll need to make mistakes first and that’s all right. Whisper your wish to Grga. Try it, it really works!
  • Mima

    Mima is a personal guardian and listens to the wishes you wish for yourself. You need to take care of yourself first to be able to take care of others. Be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.
  • Paško

    Love is what gives life meaning and purpose. Paško listens to your love wishes. Whisper your wish and let the universe do the rest. Try it, it really works!
  • Šima

    Šima is the protector of the dreams of today, of the here and now. We get so caught up in memories or fears of the future. She'll listen to your daily wishes for small victories that accumulate into a good life.
  • Stipe

    Most fears are not real and the antidote is courage. Stipe is here to give you a little brave push. There is nothing to fear. Think about courage now and whisper your wish. Try it, it really works!
  • Tonka

    Tonka is the collector for your sharing wishes. Sorrow shared is cut in half; joy shared is doubled and enhanced. Everything you own is worth nothing if you have no one to share it with. Make your wish.


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